I've been going through a bunch of old files and decided to share the designs I've done over the years...some horribly grotesque (looking back) and some a little smarter than I gave them credit for at the time.
BASELINE Flyers: my first time playing with a Wacom Tablet to reproduce an illustrated style for promotions.
Fast and dirty poster for the Impersonation show...literally 30 minutes and 8 people to pass it by before print.
Simple as it is, the debate for the first gay film fest was that it would most likely be a series of slightly pornographic films, I played with the text of POPCORN to make it NOTPORN.....I have to say, even with it's flaws, it's still one of my favourites.
I gotta say, looking back at these pieces, they are full of flaws, some bad design choices, and some elements that make me cringe a little. However, in these pieces I can see a the growth I've gone through as a designer and artist with my works. As bad as some of them are, I'm thankful for the chances I've had to play and be a little witty with the design project put before me. What could have been a cookie cutter copy ad of what was present in print and digital media, I decided to play with the concept a bit more and bring it to a different level.
Hope you enjoyed my little walk down memory lane. These represent less than a fraction of the projects I have completed over the last 10 years, but they stick out in my mind for one reason or another. Some because of the 20 revisions needed
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